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We went to visit some chestnut trees yesterday. Last year, those same trees had a prolific crop, although many of them were a little bit small (ok for planting).
This year we didn't find one big enough to eat, and I'm not convinced that what we've found are even big enough to germinate.

Anyone know about the latter point? Obviously many plants will grow from a very small seed, so they don't necessarily need big nuts, but it does suggest they've not formed properly.

Hardly any of ours have formed properly. Really duff year for pollination.

Hardly any of ours have formed properly. Really duff year for pollination.

Ah yes, I had been forgetting the lack of bees. I've hardly seen any this year.

Chestnuts are mainly wind pollinated, although bees do too. Wind pollinated stuff suffered just as much, all that wet air didn't allow pollen to spread.

iirc i was told that sweet chestnut crops well every 4th year so trying other sites may help

been pants for many tree crops round here due to weather
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