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Green initiatives - small project needed

Hello, the organisation I work for is looking for small green projects to motivate staff to become greener in their approach. Any suggestions please?!

you could grow veg in the garden, make paper, collect all your plastic bottles/ tins and sell them, etc.
New Brunswick

what's the organisation or what type of organisation is it? Are there many of you?

Turning heating down, lights off, unplugging electrical things end of the day area few that have little impact on people but big green impact.

Is this just in terms of the office or their lives in general?

Get milk delivered - glass bottles rather than plastic.

Drink tap water rather than get bottles delivered (if people really want a cooler, you can get machines that filter off the mains)

Use carpet sweepers rather than vacuum.

Revert to cloth rollers rather than paper towels.

Switch the photocopier to default on double sided.

Don't demand a hard copy of every document.
Mrs Fiddlesticks

look at all the systems and procedures you have in the workplace and look at them in terms of how much paper they generate and whether its necessary.

Something Tim's workplace does is just have a sig on the bottom of every e-mail which asks the recipient to think about the environment and only print if necessary.

Eugh, tap water, collect your drink from a well! If you can, that is...
Green Man

To forget about Jet travel and all bring in photographs of places you can holiday nearer to home. Create a holiday mood board. Idea If you got half the people to give up jetting abroad I suspect you would do more for the environment than recycling, and every thing else put together.

it sounds a little thing, but a lot of people forget to turn off their monitors after shutting down the computer - encourage them to switch off at the wall and unplug. use greenspider as your homepage - a dark screen uses less energy than a bright one. use a laptop rather than a desktop computer if you have one - they use less energy.
switch off any non-essential equipment at the end of the day. if you have a lot of confidential waste - get a professional service to recycle and shred it for you - it's more efficient and easier to recycle than if you shred it yourself (our local amenity site would not let us put shredded paper into their recycling skip because it blows out again).
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