Archive for Downsizer For an ethical approach to consumption
Virtually Verdant
Hello! I’m ‘Virtually Verdant’!Hello! I’m ‘Virtually Verdant’ otherwise known as ‘Steve’ in the real world.
I’m from Warwickshire and I have a life long interest in leaving the rat race and getting back to a more natural way of life. My interests are Permaculture, Deer Management, Working Dogs, Foraging, Pickling and Preserving, Poultry and most recently I have been learning about bees and I will hopefully will be getting my bees and hives next spring.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Virtually Verdant
Thank You Sean. There's certainly a lot of information on this website. A Facebook friend pointed me in this direction and I'm very glad they did.
Hi Steve - or VV! - from a very verdant Somerset garden! There is much to instruct, inspire, amuse and annoy on ds
Just beware The Chicken People as I don't see Chickens on your list...yet!
Virtually Verdant
Hi Gythagirl,
Ah yes, I put 'Poultry' rather than Chickens because at one time or another I have had Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Quail, but I travel a lot between my home and Dartmoor (my intended home) so I have no time for livestock at the moment....well except the bees I will getting next year, but they can look after themselves. Eventually I hope to get into aquaculture too, but right now my life is all about bees and fruit trees and shrubs.
Thanks for the welcoming message.
Hello there, come right in and make yourself at home.
Virtually Verdant
Thank you Snowball.
It's raining outside and the wife and I are feeling decidedly under the weather, so it's tea, toast and honey and reading through the posts and threads on this morning. Just what the doctor ordered!
Green Rosie
Bonjour from slightly soggy France! I'm verdant too - Green Rosie
Nicky cigreen
green is the only colour
Virtually Verdant
Thank You Nicky and Green Rosie.
I think I'll fit right in here. The wife and I have just had a nice lunch of dandelion, spinach and nasturtium leaves. Pork pie, cheese and bullace & rowan jelly. Unfortunately I can't claim to have made the pork pie and the cheese but I'm sure if I look hard enough into the threads of this excellent website I'll find out how to do just that.
Little by little the contents of our plate are becoming homegrown and less shop bought, we feel really good about that.
Nell Merionwen
Hello VV!
There are indeed articles on both cheese making and pork pies.
Virtually Verdant
Hi Nell,
I'm glad to hear that! I made Indian Cheese once but that's really easy. Now a good Cornish Yarg or a Smoked Cheddar would be an excellent project to undertake.
I'm not too far from Melton Mowbray and Pork Pie is very much a guilty pleasure.
hello from land de t'tour
im glad you can get your dogs to work mine seem broken after three days running on a beach
Nell Merionwen
Hi Nell,
I'm glad to hear that! I made Indian Cheese once but that's really easy. Now a good Cornish Yarg or a Smoked Cheddar would be an excellent project to undertake.
I'm not too far from Melton Mowbray and Pork Pie is very much a guilty pleasure. |
Pricey's pork pie
Virtually Verdant
Hi Nell,
I'm glad to hear that! I made Indian Cheese once but that's really easy. Now a good Cornish Yarg or a Smoked Cheddar would be an excellent project to undertake.
I'm not too far from Melton Mowbray and Pork Pie is very much a guilty pleasure. |
Pricey's pork pie
Very pricey, but I'm addicted! I may have to turn to a life of crime to support my habit, 'holding up' farmer's markets to raise the cash for one more 'cold crust' kick! I'd go cold turkey as long as I could have a side portion of green tomato chutney and a slab of Red Leicester.
Pricey is a downsizer member and if you click on the blue link it will take you to his recipe and method for his pork pie in the relevent section of downsizer.
Virtually Verdant
Lol! Thanks for pointing that out to me Pilsbury. Tut I thought Nell meant 'pricey meaning expensive' I'm a bit of a thicky on computers and didn't realise it was a link.
Virtually Verdant
hello from land de t'tour
im glad you can get your dogs to work mine seem broken after three days running on a beach |
Hi dpack,
Yes I had that problem a couple of months ago. My two Labs running and swimming over most of Dartmoor and the sea just off Wembury.
When they are not running and swimming like a pair of loonies they are deer tracking dogs, silently moving through the forests and fields trailing the deer's scent so that I can bag some venison. The dog's nose is better than my aged eyes.
Virtually Verdant
Wow Pricey's Pork Pie looks great. Reminds me of the old film 'Great Expectations' when Pip stole the massive pork pie out of his sister's pantry and gave it to Magwitch. Proper pork pies!
Hi Steve, welcome in to DS!
Virtually Verdant
Hi 12Bore.
I'm really enjoying myself already. I've looked at pork pies and cheese making and I'm now looking for advice on making a British National Beehive.
Hi from a very hot & humid Midi region
Lots of rain, lots of sun makes everything very green here
Virtually Verdant
Hi Mousjoos,
France! Lovely. I've only travelled North France and Belgium, but the food and the lifestyle is inspiring.
Greetings from Dorset.
Also, thanks a bunch for giving me a cheese craving!
Aye up from t'north. Speaking of cheese, I've just munched on some gjetost that I found (well, bought!) - an unexpected jewel in a slightly rubbish small town
Hi Mousjoos,
France! Lovely. I've only travelled North France and Belgium, but the food and the lifestyle is inspiring. |
Very true, but if you're expecting inspirational cuisine don't come south
It's duck, duck, duck with duck, Cassoulet...usually with bits of duck, & the worst charcuterie in the civilised world
Apart from that, the food's ace, but you can't get a decent curry anywhere outside of Toulouse
That's why we have a garden & grow our own chooks
Welcome from The Pirate and myself in South West Scotland
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