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Garden Hens

Just a few hens for the garden......?

I'm Jackie and I'm a hobby breeder of rare and traditional breeds of poultry. Based in Cheshire close to M6, I hatch from my own stock in clean, healthy conditions.
Have a look at my (very basic) website if you"re interested and don't hesitate to give me a call if I you'd like to have a look at the hens.
I currently have hybrids available too, brilliant egg layers and very friendly.

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For any further questions please send an email to or ring 01565733282
Nell Merionwen

Hello Garden Hens.
You birds do look lovely. However, you may find a better response if you say "hi" and introduce yourself to the forum.
It is often rather badly received when people sign up and jump straight in with a sales pitch.
Please feel welcome to join in and tell us a little about yourself.
Garden Hens

New to this.........

Sorry Neil and all competent forum users out there.....I'm new to this, first time I've ever tried get involved in a forum, think I'm better suited to hatching out and cleaning up henhouses Embarassed

I've kept hens for more than 20 years and have always had a fascination for incubation and hatching - my 3 20something old children started all this by made their pocket money by selling day old chicks to their school friends and families. My fascination has remained and now I have a collection of rare breeds who I hatch from. I'm always amazed by the huge diversity of folk interested in keeping hens, either for the delight of your own fresh eggs or simply the joy of watching a few hens scratching around. Smile

Welcome. You seem to have put the same post in three forum sections too, would you like one of the mods to remove the duplicates for you? I suspect you wanted it in Trading Post, and as Nell has said, its never a bad idea to say hello and have a chat before adding adverts. Nothing to worry about though, but you'll get more takers if people feel they know you Very Happy

eta: I've taken the liberty of removing the duplicate from 'poultry' for you
Nell Merionwen

Certainly, your expert advice would always be welcome. Don't worry about the "new to forums" thing. We are a friendly lot on the whole.
There are plenty here to ease you in gently and make sure you get the best from the forum.

Welcome from deepest darkest Cornwall/

Welcome aboard. Very Happy

Hello from sunny Somerset Smile

Hello there, from the peaks Smile
Nicky cigreen

welcome Smile

hello2 Hi Jackie Welcome to the forum. Great to hear from another poultry enthusiast.
Garden Hens

hello2 Hi Jackie Welcome to the forum. Great to hear from another poultry enthusiast.

Thank you Sandra!
The more of us who spread the word the better!
Just had a look at your website, lovely, the Weslummers look in fine health. I'm hoping to start breeding Appenzeller Spitzhausen next year, can't decide whether to go for gold or silver....?

Thank you. Welsummers are on of my favourite breeds

I'd interested to know more about your Silver Wyandottes are they LF.

They aren't an easy breed to get hold of. I have been after hatching eggs to raise a few for a friend for a while now.

Hello from a former Cheshire resident Very Happy

Hello from chickem and me in sunny Devon hello2
Garden Hens

Thank you. Welsummers are on of my favourite breeds

I'd interested to know more about your Silver Wyandottes are they LF.

They aren't an easy breed to get hold of. I have been after hatching eggs to raise a few for a friend for a while now.

The SLW are large fowl and are beautifully feathered. A strange quirk is that their eggs are very round rather than oval shaped as usual egg shape. Some have a 'smoke' running through their feathers - a brown haze between the black and white, depends on the blood line.
Within breeding groups, treading can be very detrimental to the ladies, SLW have such soft feathering that balding soon appears, so either saddle the females or restrict the access.
I visit my daughter in the sw regularly, so let me know if you can't find SLW more locally to you.

Hi Jackie, welcome in to Downsizer! hello2 chez

A belated welcome from Somerset! wave

ETA: Really nice website, by the way. I like the Welsummer's bottoms Smile

Hello from wales. Very Happy gythagirl Chez to lower the tone of the conversation...nobody ever talks of chickens' bottoms on here. Ever. Wink VM

What a coincidence that I've just come back on here after a long gap and then find Jackie introducing herself!

I bought Vorwerks and Barnevelders from Jackie a couple of years ago and they were really lovely birds. Very sadly they were all killed in the summer of 2011 by a seriously delinquent group of teenagers, which broke my heart - but they gave me l lots of pleasure (as well as eggs) before that.

I've had Barnevelders before - having got interested in them through Chez on here, of course - and the ones I got from Jackie were great, very easy-going and easy to handle as well as being good looking. The Vorwerks were my absolute favourites though - striking-looking and full of character, very alert, bold and curious. And all the birds were strong and healthy and stayed that way until their untimely demise.

I'm looking forward to getting new hens from Jackie when move to Lincs completed. And I'm not on commission, honest.

Perhaps this should have been in Poultry after all...

Hello, Jackie, nice to find you here.

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