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north norfolk marshes

am planning the boys annual ray mears weekend for a couple of weeks time, involving usually not much eating (and quite alot of nettle beer;) does anyone have any experience of the north norfolk marshes, as its quite a new area to us, supposed to be good for shellfish so i gather but have not collected cockles etc from that sort of environment, will we find them in the marsh creeks or further out? also does anyone know of good fungi locations(i dont expect peoples personal spots!) in this area or inland (around weybourne/blakeney/stiffkey/cley)? i know their will be sea veg, purslane etc, its just a question of knowing what to focus on that will get maximum reward(and avoid a trip to the chippy!)
many thanks

Not my neck of the woods at all I'm afraid, but welcome aboard anyway Very Happy

Holt woods are good for mushrooms, but so much depends on the day doesn't it?
Haven't done much shellfish collection on the north norfolk coast, tho I always see masses of razor clam shells on the beaches.
It is practically de rigueur to go crab fishing off the quay at Wells, although I'm sure any resident crabs have worked out how to nick bait and avoid capture they have so many kids to practise with during the summer season!
I've never found cockles although pretty sure I've found the shells on beaches.
If you go inland, I've had fairly good early autumn foraging experiences at Cawston Heath.
ragged staff

Hunstanton, on the beach near Searls caravan camp site is a great place to find cockles, soak them over night in clean water. Under the cliffs in Hunstanton you can find winkles.
Stifkey, Blakney etc are good for samphire but it’s getting late for it now.
Lots of mushroom sites, Holkam Hall grounds may be worth a visit, just get a map and go for a walk.
Good luck and happy hunting
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