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Sheep tagging / AML1 form

Morning all.

We (myself and Bog Spavin) recently got a sheep, and I'm trying to work out the tagging system and form AML1. I know I should have got all this worked out before we got her but I didn't and now I need to work my way round it and out of the mistakes that have already been made!

Firstly the tagging. The original tag from her birth holding (which isn't the one we got her from) was damaged and had come out, so the farmer we got her from has put one of his own in. We do have the damaged tag, but my understanding is that:

1. we need to get a replacement identical to the damaged one and put it back in

2. the farmer should have put an "S" tag of his in, and not a "normal" one (which has a number starting with UK on one half and another number on the other).

Is this right?

Secondly, form AML1. What should be put in the "Lot Number" and "Relevant code or Flock / Herd Mark" columns? I know that should be filled in by the keeper where we got them but he's 82 and can barely walk let alone work out a DEFRA form so I'm trying to do as much as I can for him!

Thanks in advance,

Hang on - I'll poke Gervase and get him to answer for you...

"Honey - sheep tagging question on Downsizer needs answering!"

Tagging is a fiddly area of legislation.
How old is your sheep?
If she's an elderly ewe born before 2002, then she should have an 'S' tag to replace the missing tag identifying where she was born.
If she was born after 2002, then the farmer who owned her when the original tag was lost should have replaced it with either an identical one or, if that wasn't possible, with a red replacement tag.
I'd recommend that you get a red 'R' tag yourself and pop it in (rememebring that, unlike extreme piercing fans, your ewe can only have a total of three tags!)
That said, there are plenty of smaller holdings where the only time tags are used is when the beasts go off for slaughter or official sales.
Try the DEFRA helpline on 08459 335577 and have a look at the guidelines at

Cool, that helps a lot, thanks.

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