Penny Outskirts
Starting Your Own Business ArticleThis article is now under construction
To make it as relevant as possible to everyone who's interested, it would be good to have input from you on any burning issues you'd like covered. Perhaps things like:
Who you need to contact on starting up
Should I be a limited company?
Would/could it include a bit about iidentifying whether you have a viable business plan - i.e market research
Blue Peter
Re: Starting Your Own Business Article Penny wrote: | This article is now under construction
To make it as relevant as possible to everyone who's interested, it would be good to have input from you on any burning issues you'd like covered. Perhaps things like:
Who you need to contact on starting up
Should I be a limited company?
xx |
I'll look forward to it. Will it cover things such as book-keeping, accounting, tax (as in what one could reasonably expect to do oneself, and what one has to get done and how much it costs, etc.)?
I'm looking forward to this! Could it maybe point out which bits are region-specific? ie the tax details and legal stuff maybe.
Penny Outskirts
Yes to Burnie, and yes to BP too The bit about costs especially, that's not something you usually find in business books - my sister is an accountant technician, so I'll get lots of info from her on that!
Mioght be worth mentioning LLPs - Limited Liability Partnerships - which are fairly new but offer the advantages of a limited company with the scale of a partnership. We've set one up and it does seem more manageable and require less paperwork.
How to keep records, what you need to keep and how much work is involved in running a company (i.e. paperwork etc) would be helpful. Are there any alternatives? I'll not ask about section 660.
I think this would be a different topic, but does anyone know about co-ops? I've seem some wood producers cooperatives and I wonder if each person needs to do all the paper work or if the group does it.
looking forward to this one Penny particularly as it is so relevant to us at the moment! Any info on registering voluntarily for VAT and its implications would be excellent especially as VAT on food is not chargable at the moment so could be a good way for us to claim back some of the costs incurred with setting up a new smallholding enterprise.
Penny Outskirts
It's on its way, had problems with no ms office on my computer . Turning into a bit of a book so Bugs' editing skills may be called on.....
Penny wrote: | It's on its way, had problems with no ms office on my computer . Turning into a bit of a book so Bugs' editing skills may be called on..... |
That's no bad thing. Word formats things really badly as far as we're concerned. Notepad or some such is just fine
wellington womble
If it's growing, perhaps you could serialize it? (doesn't that sound awfully grand!)
Penny Outskirts
Oooooo - that does sound grand!! It does split into parts quite nicely, so happy to do that if people would like??
Penny wrote: | Oooooo - that does sound grand!! It does split into parts quite nicely, so happy to do that if people would like?? |
Yes, that sounds best for us simple people as well who only grasp concepts in small doses
Sorry Penny (and WW and B66) I didn't see this; serialising sounds grand in every sense of the word and most importantly means you needn't overstretch yourself, remember you're only doing it out of the goodness of your heart and it should be reasonably fun and not too much of a trial to do
Bugs wrote: | Sorry Penny (and WW and B66) I didn't see this; serialising sounds grand in every sense of the word and most importantly means you needn't overstretch yourself, remember you're only doing it out of the goodness of your heart and it should be reasonably fun and not too much of a trial to do  |
Are you feeling ok?
Penny Outskirts
No honestly - I'm really enjoying doing it I'm happy to do a serialisation - didn't Dickens do that? (Think I might be getting ideas above my station )
Unaccustomed to the pleasantries where articles are concerned!
Sometimes one reaches for the stick and finds a handily placed carrot in the rack instead
I promise not to make a habit of it, Penny
Penny wrote: | I'm happy to do a serialisation - didn't Dickens do that? (Think I might be getting ideas above my station ) |
I doubt it!
I would expect someone to be slapped for leaving the carrots in the wrong place
Penny Outskirts
I like carrotts!!!!
Only problem now is that I can't procrastinate any longer Right... Part one on its way to you tomorrow Bugs - notepad file?
Penny wrote: | I like carrotts!!!! |
I've got Paris Market or Early Nantes (run out of Chantenay Red Cored which is the root du jour according to the local free glossy), take your pick
Spiffing - saves occasional bother with mad formatting, but if there's anything not obvious that you want highlighted etc just note it in the email (and we can always change things once it goes up if you like).
public and employee insurance .
planning cash flow .
the need for goodwill .
seperating work and life .
i think the last is probably the hardest thing for people starting a business .
any help i can give .i have done this and mixed with loads of others who have .
details of tax etc are not my thing but i know a bit about business .
big smile / good book-keeping .
For all those who were hanging on for this one, part one and accessories are up now!
Starting Your Own Business Part One
And to accompany it:
Starting in Business Checklist
And a guide to Happy Selling