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Ok folks . I posted earlier. I run a smallholders group on fab now my question is how do I go with limited funds for a non profit group I need a similar setup to this website. That being said it’s almost 5k members im wanting to set up a website for a few reasons. Main reason being is to broaden the horizon so to speak. Now it will be aimed at local community to chat buy sell . So chatting will be members asking for advice livestock related be it a sick calf to disease outbreaks. Then you have a section for local contractors ie pest control to land management. Then buy sell ie buy and sell your wares so be it jars of produce eggs honey lamb boxes to livestock selling which fb doesn’t allow. Then maybe a monthly raffle for items such as wellies or spring time a lambing kit autumn maybe a chainsaw sort of different items according to how the year pans out .So how can I do this with little to no funds. What’s my next step or do I just let the group continue to be stale as it currently is. Currently 5k members with about 20-50 same members talking if that. I need help as best option to move forward with minimal to non existent funds. I’m wanting to make the group thrive again but I’m at a loss for the way forward. Any advice will be greatly appreciative. Cheers in advance Matt.
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