What to plant, whenHow about a month by month guide to what can get planted each month, along the lines of the top ten wild foods article ? This could have links into new and upcoming articles like the potato one ?
I've come up with this idea because I'm stuck !!! I think I need to buy some more books.
pink bouncy
Fantastic idea. I could really use something like that.
We're thinking of doing a more permanent what to do calendar, it's basically how and when to fit in what is going to end up a fairly major project.
How about starting it off one month at a time and adding to it?
Penny Outskirts
We do have the "Things to do in the plot" series. Do you mean something more specific about planting?
I found that after I sent the contribution, Penny. Perhaps the "Things to do...." could form the basis of a calender. If it was available year round it would give people the time to plan in advance.
It could also show how much difference global warming is making. We were picking the first of the Blackberries on Greenham Common at the beginning of this month this year and some of our sweetcorn was past it when we picked it a couple of weeks ago.