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Conservation and Environment
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Useful development
Harvesting Rainwater in Mexico City
tiny thing big thing
lichen you can etc
An Exciting Morning
friday fun
feral hogs in the usa
plastic, fantastic?
New tech, old tricks
are brambles "carnivorous " ?
bird flu
panda phibs
the cubbinton pear and other matters
rehabitat, salty suggestion
new beaver snaps
Cover Crops
hosepipe ban
how to build a forest
rewilding, discuss?
best place to ask , wild seed supplies
yvon chouinard, eco hero
EV price parity
extreme heat event casualties
i aint afraid of no bear....
wych elm
not for these reasons
Forests and Climate Change
fungi are fun guys
Spring is springing
well done oilman, a baling thimble on the titanic
environmental protection
well done
constant home temperature
relaxing pollution enforcement, with fishy update
nice they are playing, are they playing nice
Tree ID ?
i want to hear the whale's side of the story
mobile fox
Advice Needed
my little forest
the bear, the woods, there was confusion
it will be interesting to see how this changes
bug snap winners 2020
not all wildlife is fluffy
2 Months Coal Free!
stuff bad news, try this
air quality
Plant I D please
good news story
that is a proper wildlife snap
dear wildlife
wildlife revenge
Growing in mud.
Canned vs frozen vs fresh vs dried
Replaceable head toothbrushes
Government legislation on burning 'wet' wood
environmental plans
Tree Planting Volunteers Shropshire
Exciting new dye tech
wow critters
legacy environmental pollution advice wanted please
climate rebellion etc
Water butt water pressure
Renting Farmland
Pigs in Spaaace...
Insectivorous Plants
M&S Plastic toy giveaway
camera for bee, wasp and hoverfly id?
How Different US States Generate Electricity
2018 by extreme weather events
Nifty dashboard of the UK grid
freinds reunited species?
ok, so what flappy insects lay eggs on washing?
disco spider
For those of you with a Pool
Beach find
Home Weather Station
Foot Traffic Over Tree Roots
if it works there...
Portuguese Insects
White crab spider
whats this one,Buzzy?
No Swallows.
Garden Birdwatch 2018
Energy saving washing?
Reducing the use of Plastics
Pollution & Lichen.
today's visitor, today's update
Plastic crisp packets
environmental democracy
Ivory Consultation.
a rather sneaky ommission from the enabling act
Attracting birds of prey.
raptor I D anyone?
One for Buzzy
when invasive aliens cooperate
invasive aliens
Pink grasshopper
Birds Nests
trump pulls out of paris
rigs to reefs ?
Rubbishest place on the planet.
Sweet Chesnut Blight - Confirmed in Devon
Curious take on Climate Change
The chirpomatic!
Help! Our pond seems to be fermenting...
tree disease question
Are the RSPB commenting on Corbyn?
Grey Wagtail.
Camera traps/trail cameras
Moth ID please
Switch Grass for Biofuel
Jaffa Cakes and Palm Oil
A view from the hides.
himalayan balsam, not all bad
Crayfish ID
wasps MWEEEP
carbon offset woodland
Insects on stinkhorn
a good news story about butterflies n tings
Mollusc porn!
Countryfile August 14.
Habitat creation & management for pollinators.
Any bird identifiers on line, to id my bird
Observa tree - tree pests and diseases
Power station becomes visitor attraction
report on a switch to ecolgically sound sustainable farming
and today we saw....
Please tell me I don't need any more books!!
ace online resource trust for endangered species and stuff
it seems glyphosphate might be history quite soon
Tree Health news
what "non native" invasive vermin do you have?
Woodland trust download. Wood Wise - secrets of the soil
what pests to look for on my ......
Fungi responsible for most carbon sequestration not plants
ash die back advice wanted
Sparrowhawk or peregrine?
early purple orchids
Plastic made from algae
Fish ID
garden birds ,mixed group co operating?
Meat Tax
what eggs are these?
Well that was very interesting
Cover Crops
Wrong type of trees
appalingly generalised ill informed reporting
Root and Stem
Are the NFU pro GM?
long tail mice
Bug work
Ash dieback breakthrough.
Cartoon Ralphs take on DEFRA.
Wood on wheels
Soil degredation as dangerous as climate change.
Mark Avery. Books of the year.
Dairy Farmers?
Wetlands can help solve our climate problem
Ugly Produce - On the Table and Out of Trash
Wild, Natural, Boring?
A couple of videos, worth a watch...
snail id ,succineidae spp ? but which one?
Farm land birds still bumping along at the bottom
Government refuses to release badger cull report
Peatlands and Climate Change
dormouse orchard
A little video from my corner of the world...
Biodiversity conservation The key, reducing meat consumption
orchard facebook page
mushroom i d help please
Food waste in the UK
British Wildlife Photography Awards
froggie came and was caught in
Aerial Seeding of Cover Crops
Survival of the Large Blue Butterfly
Pesticides. The birds & the bees.
a more fun question about top fruit
now a tax question re a community orchard
any suggestions for tree guards?
Butterfly Identification Please
The Struggle Continues...
Drax profits up in green boom
Farmland Preservation in New Jersey
it is damp in east yorks but ...
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