Topics |
general rat chat
for the pot? that depends on interpretations and diet
pest control for responsible fun and bacon
not for , rat
winnie the pooh might have been onto something
safety matters
Humane rabbit control?
Venison for Christmas Dinner
a different not for the pot, wasps
rat day, or week
not shooting, firing. oops
not for the pot, dear rat
not for the pot but rats
Live bunnies wanted, South West Wales
Cutting Venison
Learning to shoot?
Whale meat.
A fox trap
i always said traps never sleep
Deer Hunting Season Has Begun
Fenn traps
shooting for the pot - RIP Devilfish !
Killing squirrels...
We may need to shut this section of the site down...
When is pigeon time?
trap surprise
Rabbit control without shooting?
an unusual weapon
bsa ultra 10 shot pcp review
umm rice fed rat anyone?
reliability of kit
Lucher action: One for dpack and others
I've just been given a deer
pheasant forensics as a cook
More Venison
land to work?
Wanted: ovenless recipe for pigeons.
shooting rights
Shot composition?
North Wales Police - spot checks on firearms owners
Is it just me that thinks this is daft?
should it have been more than a caution?
charity shoots
Rabbits or Woodies for sale??
12 bore or 20 bore?
Gun laws for 12 year olds. (In Australia)
Shotgun cartridges
My Hunting Gun Of Choice.
Hubbys new gun................
Larsen Traps.
huge wasp v wd40
How much should a shotgun cost?
Pictures of my miniature muzzle loaders
Fixing a shotgun cabinet to the wall
hanging pheasants - what's too long ?
deer road kill
goose shooting
Firearm Deer Season
Pink footed goose
A fair start
Finding a rabbit trap that kills the rabbit as well.
Cutting Venison
Shotgun/Firearms Licence Renewal Reminder
Who in Wales has rabbits?
pheasant traps
First outing of the season.
Ferreting permissions - Guildford & Aldershot
Medium Meat Rabbits Breeder in North Wales?
Personally I use a Velux.
Not sure if this should be in Trading Post ...
Big foxes
Pitted shotgun barrel question
New airgun storage legislation
Shotgun cabinets
having a laugh...
Wild ducks
Nice gift yesterday
mink again
Giving permission to shoot deer
Pure Gluttony
Bear Recipe
Inherited guns...
Devon Pigeon Shooter Wanted, tomorrow (Christmas Eve)
Big old cock this morning
Pheasant hunting
Scotland : suspension of waterfowl etc shooting
Hunting squirrels
Hanging birds
Tanning A Deer hide ?
100 year old Bsa Lincoln Jefferies air rifle
I really want to...
3 Braces of pheasant
Exmoor Emperor Stag Killed
Dealing with a deer.
Will this be ok for shooting rabbits?
Hunting Season Starts in the USA
advice re giving permission
.22 air rifle
Trapping squirrels.
Where do you draw the line ?
Shooting bears.
training dogs to be sensible near things that go bang ?
Shotgun certificate
The Glorious12th
Brown Bears and red squirrels
Global Warming is happening!
Brown Bears and other names
FAC application advice
Organic food
Fox trap
Eating Crow
new gov ,can we catch dinner, mawwwoooh ,shhhh?
Fresh rabbit!
First Shoot
Road kill.
is it a mink?
rabbit snares with stops
Air pistol repairs
Archery arm guards
Shooting competition
I want one
today's roadkill...
hunting with a catapult
Big rabbit
Moles....what use?
Necking city centre pigeons
Voluntary restraint in England & Wales
Why I can't buy Sallys plague rats (not for squeemish).
Voluntary shooting restraint in Scotland
Boxing Day shoots
Rabbit Snares.
hunting land in stoke on trent
Cleaning .22 rifles
First Frosts!
Rifle shooting - shooting Foxes the correct tool for me
Nigh vision scope for under a ton at Aldi
Bunny for dinner
A reminder to everyone, airguns can kill
Dummy Launchers
so who has/had a catty?
Calling urban foxes
Anyone culling deer this year?
Trapping pigeons
Finaly got my licence...
Hubby's new air rifle
spotty liver
Setting my sights
Why is a rabbit's liver so large?
Help I Need More Land
airgun law
Air rifle / best one to buy
hanging a headless pheasant
Bunny Hugger.
my style (but not for the pot )
Rabbit Probs anyone
.22 buying advice
My new Rifle.
Can anyone sell me some dead bunnies?
Live catch trapping foxes
New rifle
Rabbits with rigor mortis?
First time ferreting
Will my break barrel air rifle kill a rabbit?
Right guns for the job
oven ready rabbits?
Arghhhhhhh the other one's got fleas!!!
Is this rabbit OK to eat??? Not for the squeamish!
Dealing with deer
Netting wood pigeons on my own land
Anyone eaten magpie?
BASC - Working with dogs for tracking deer
What a night
Wildfowlers take note !
Long netting rabbits
Not quite on topic but it was fun....
Changing the batteries
Law Question, air rifle
OK then - who wants to learn to shoot?
Tom proves himself (and Jack's first woodcock)